Have you bumped your check up down the to do list?

There’s no doubt about it, COVID has changed the way we live. Unfortunately, it’s here to stay, so we’ve got to get used to the ‘new normal’ as everyone keeps saying – and that includes prioritising our health generally, but also, moving those health items back up the list of to dos! You know the ones like your annual skin check, prostate check, breast checks, blood tests, eye tests and to good old 6 monthly examination and clean at your dentist.

The shocking new is, that although many people know they’re ‘now overdue’ for their examination and clean, many don’t realise how important that routine appointment really is. A survey released last month from the Australian Dental Association[1] confirmed that two-thirds of Australian adults hadn't been to see their dentist in the past two years and a quarter had not been in more than five years. The reason stated for this, from one-third of the 25,000 people surveyed was the pandemic.

Unfortunately, untreated dental issues can have dire impacts on our overall health and has been linked to range of wider health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and even adverse pregnancy outcomes. However according to the ADA survey, 66 per cent of respondents were unaware of that poor oral health impacts medical conditions.

For example, individuals with gum disease or periodontitis, a condition where bacteria grows between the teeth and gums, are two to three times more at risk of experiencing a heart attack [2]. Periodontal gum disease a condition that doesn’t present with pain until it’s quite severe. When it develops and progresses, teeth become loose, sometimes there's no option but to remove the tooth or multiple teeth— which can drastically impact on your quality of life."

Another common issue is tooth decay, with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare[3] estimating that 32 per cent of Australian adults over 15 have untreated tooth decay.  However, it’s especially pertinent in Australian’s over 75 years, with over a quarter living with teeth that are decayed and over 20 per cent have lost their natural teeth due to preventable conditions.

The issue with dental is, that your teeth will look after you and not cause any significant pain until it’s too late. Many dental issues are a slow burn, that if you don’t have regular checks you can develop poor oral health, and one day that could mean it leads to diabetes, cardiovascular disease or other health issues.

You only get once set of adult teeth to last your entire life, it’s critical to maintain them and work in partnership with your dentist to plan for your future dental needs. Prevention is always better than cure, and always less expensive!

If you’ve been putting off seeing your dentist for too long now – why not prioritise your oral healthcare this spring! With our team, every appointment is with an experienced dentist, even your routine ones – so why not call to book on 3348 6661 or book online www.dentaloncambridge.com  

[1] Australian Dental Association (2022), https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/dental-oral-health/oral-health-and-dental-care-in-australia/contents/summary

[2] Gum disease and heart disease: The common thread (2021), https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/gum-disease-and-heart-disease-the-common-thread

[3] Oral Health and Dental Care in Australia (2022), https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/dental-oral-health/oral-health-and-dental-care-in-australia/contents/summary